SEN-CIT: The sensitization of citizens in the field of immigrants' and refugees’ inclusion to the hosting society (Exchange of good practices in adult education)

“Wij, Limburgers”

Project Name and ID

SENCIT: The sensitization of citizens in the field of immigrants' and refugees’ inclusion to the hosting society (Exchange of good practices in adult education)” 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050850

Project Scope 

The central aim of the project is to develop and pilot sensitization methods and tools, addressed to the hosting society in the participating countries. Project partners compile and exchange good practices for sensitization of local community as it regards to migrant and refugees’ inclusion process.

Good Practice Example

Title of activity

“Wij, Limburgers”

Description and scope of activity: 

An exhibition about the superdiversity in Limburg, a province in Belgium.

The inspiration for this project came after reading the book “Superdiversity. How migration changes our society.” of sociologist Dirk Geldof.
In this project we take a look at the diversity in Limburg. We took portraits of people (definitely or temporarily) living in Limburg but born all over the world. People not only diverse in origin, but also in age, gender, reason of living in Limburg, studies or profession… We interviewed each person, and wrote down their story. The portraits were made by students of our photography-workshops.

With those portraits we organised an exhibition, to show the “superdiversity” in Limburg. Next to this exhibition, we organised a training and lectures about “superdiversity”. 

Working method used:

Exhibition combined with workshops, lectures, movies…about the subject “superdiversity”. 


The exhibition was shown in 5 different cities. In every city there were different activities next to the exhibition. The inhabitants with foreign roots could tell their story. For the photographers it was a chance to practice their skills, but also to meet and get to know the new inhabitants and their stories.

Participants’ Testimonies: 

Both the photographers as the participants were really proud to see their portraits hanging in so many cities. “Diversity gives colour to your life and to your society, and we try to show that to other people”. 

Support material, links

“The DNA-journey”:
Dirk Geldof, 2016. Superdiversity in the heart of Europe. How migration changes our society. Leuven/Den Haag, Acco, 264 p. ISBN: 9789462924284) 

Example of a portrait:

Twee jaar geleden vluchtte Ahmed met zijn drie broers en twee schoonzussen uit Irak. Samen maakten ze de lange, gevaarlijke tocht via Turkije, Griekenland, Macedonië, Servië en Duitsland tot in België. Nu proberen ze hun leven op te bouwen in Maaseik.
‘Toch is het moeilijk om over de toekomst na te denken’, vertelt Ahmed. Hij wacht nog steeds op een verblijfsvergunning. Zolang die er niet is, blijft alles onzeker.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050850